The EDC Keychain Tool - Why You Should Never Leave Home Without It!
An EDC keychain tool is an essential item that every person should carry. It is a small, lightweight device that fits easily onto a keychain and contains tools that can be used in a wide range of scenarios. Whether you're an avid outdoorsman needing a repair kit or an urbanite, needing a bottle opener or wrench, having an keychain EDC tools with you at all times is a must for anyone wanting to be prepared while carrying minimal items. This blog post will explore the many benefits of carrying an EDC keychain, Some of the best EDC keychains and why you should never leave home without one.

What Is An EDC Keychain?
An EDC Keychain is a small keychain sized set of tools that would generally sit with your usual keys and other keychain items. The each keychain EDC tool has to be extremely light and compact and geared towards your personal everyday tasks, so no keychain EDC tool is a one size fit's all. This is why you should select the the best EDC keychain tools for you carefully according to what you may need daily or frequently while out in the world. Commonly seen EDC Keychain tools include multi-tools, knives, screwdrivers, wrenches, tweezers, bottle openers etc. All these tools are essential in day-to-day life for many people especially when you're out and about without access to any workshop or store.

The Benefits Of Carrying An Keychain EDC Tool
The obvious benefits of carrying an EDC keychain tools are the fact that you're prepared for problems that might arise during your day to day activities. For an outdoorsman repair items might be found here, for an urbanite, a bottle opener and small wrench might be found, for a first responder a lock pick set or seatbelt cutter might be found here. No matter who you are, there is a keychain EDC tool to fit any situation. EDC keychains allows one to feel better for the small problems life might have to throw at you. Not only can they sometimes come in handy in huge problems but they can also aid in mundane tasks like unscrewing stubborn screws or tightening loose bolts on furniture. The best EDC keychain will also prove helpful in situations where you need something more than just a screwdriver—like cutting through fishing line or getting into otherwise inaccessible places. In addition, keychain EDC tools often come with multiple accessories such as a flashlight or fire starter so you’re always ready for anything. Having such an array of tools on hand makes it easier to handle life’s little emergencies without having to carry around multiple bulky tools.

How To Choose An EDC Keychain Tool
Choosing the best EDC keychain tool for you isn't a one size fit's all process. Are you creating a personal EDC keychain as a tradesman? a police officer? or a teacher? all three of these people would create a very different keychain EDC tools and select very different keychain tools. Another option would be to create a general EDC keychain as a survival keychain, tactical keychain, lockpick keychain or other task specific EDC keychain setup. It is important to choose an keychain tool with reliable construction that can stand up to daily use and abuse. Also consider how the weight and size of your EDC keychain affect the overall weight and bulkiness of your pockets. For example, if you are carrying a multitool on your keychain, it may add considerable heft and take up more pocket space than a pocket knife or small EDC Tweezer. Therefore, choose lighter and more compact items such as mini-flashlights, tweezers, penknives, carabiners and bottle openers when possible. Ultimately, when choosing the best EDC keychain for you, it is important to choose items that suit your needs and lifestyle and don't overpack or weigh down your pockets so that you can make the most out of your everyday carry items.

The Best EDC Keychain Tools
We recommend to start with Grim Workshop Micro Tools as they are all the size of a large paperclip (and don't weigh much more than one). This allows you to have a very wide array of keychain tools with minimal weight, and space required, you can easily add to these to other EDC keychains like those from Outdoor Element Exotac and Carry Commission Grim's Micro Tools have been designed to help with a wide range of tasks. From bike repair to opening packages, these tiny tools can get the job done. The sleek and minimalistic design also makes them an attractive choice for EDC not only as keychain tools but on zipper pulls or even necklace. With options including a bottle opener, wrench, lock picks, and even repair tools, these keychain EDC tools are the perfect choice for anyone who wants to stay prepared in any situation, or has very specific needs as each Micro Tool is task specific. They can easily be clipped onto your belt loop or attached to your keys so that you'll never be without your essential tools. Whether you're going camping or just heading out to do some errands, it's always best to be prepared with an EDC keychain.

Check out Grim Workshops complete line of keychain sized Micro Tools HERE